CFP Beginners’ English Activities These activities are created for the purposes of encouraging the CFP employees who are new in an English-speaking environment to hop on the fast track of speaking English. People are all different; therefore, their needs are also different. There is really no one single rule to guide everybody. However, we – people at CFP – are just so wanting to help, that we come up with something, which I am sure will be of big help. In the almost-impossible case that it isn’t – let me entreat you – at least know that we do have a big heart here! [A Chinese will say “hot heart”]. Go! New CFP employees! ************************************ We also need volunteers to help employees who need help in English. [Contact Kuocheng Ting if you want to volunteer.] [When everybody else is emersed in media-socializing, We would rather follow the old-school way of meeting people, speaking with people, and interacting with people. It is more fun if nothing else.]