We've only just begun; it takes hearts and minds to get there.
Image Gallery Pescadores
Below are some of the views of the Pescadores Islands. Named 'Peng-Hu' in Chinese with the meaning 'peaceful lake', this string of islands is also known to the world as the Pescadores Archipelago, or the Fishermen's Islands, located between
Taiwan and the Mainland China.
If you are a native, or have visited the islands and want to share an image, please do drop me a line (that's Kuocheng) to
submit an image.
A fully loaded papaya tree in the backyard of an island house.
[Photographer: Jinmei Chen]A water well sits quietly in the corner of a small plot of vegetable garden.
[Photographer: Jinmei Chen]Another view of the vegetable garden.
[Photographer: Jinmei Chen]This night-blooming cereus plant will bear pink-colored fruits commonly known as the fire-dragon fruits
which sometimes appear in the supermarkets. Their sizes are about the size of a clenched fist.
[Photographer: Jinmei Chen]A temporarily rigged gate to the garden.
[Photographer: Jinmei Chen]Stone walls such as this one constructed of blocks quarried from the coral reefs
have been protecting these island communities for thousands of years.
[Photographer: Jinmei Chen]The object sitting next to the square-shaped water well looks like a stone laundry basin
that has been sitting there unused for a long time. [Photographer:
Jinmei Chen]Can you imagine being more relaxed! [Photographer: Jinmei Chen]
Another example how natural corals have been utilized. In this case, that object on the left put upside
down was, in fact, a stone motar for pounding grains.
[Photographer: Jinmei Chen]This picture reminds me how Moses led Israelis out ot Egypt.
[Photographer: Jinmei Chen]Now you understand why I mentioned Exodus previously.
[Photographer: Jinmei Chen]These peculiar rock formations can be seen in many places around the Pescadores Islands.
[Photographer: Internet sources]A view toward the harbor.
[Photographer: Jinmei Chen]Another view toward the harbor.
[Photographer: Jinmei Chen]An island sunset view.
[Photographer: Jinmei Chen]School kids chill off in the street.
[Photographer: Jinmei Chen]How about a bicycle ride around the island?
[Photographer: Jinmei Chen]Passages such as this one barely wide enough for bicycle traffics are a common sight throughout these
[Photographer: Jinmei Chen]A view toward the neighbors' old houses from the rooftop of Jinmei Chen's small dream house
still under construction as of 7/28/2013.
[Photographer: Jinmei Chen]This map shows Pescadores Islands' location between Taiwan and the Mainland China.
[Photographer: Internet Sources]Island native author and artist, Miss Jinmei Chen.
[Photographer: Jinmei Chen]One of Miss Chen's watercolor paintings.
[Photographer: Jinmei Chen]Another of Miss Chen's watercolor paintings.
[Photographer: Jinmei Chen]Another.
[Photographer: Jinmei Chen]In this paradise-like island, it's not unusual to be confused if it's a photo or painting.
[Photographer: Jinmei Chen]Another example.
[Photographer: Jinmei Chen]Another of Miss Chen's watercolor paintings.
[Photographer: Jinmei Chen]Traditional houses passed on from generation to generation are a favorite theme of Miss Chen's art works.
[Photographer: Jinmei Chen]The landmark fishtrap of the Pescadores.
[Photographer: Internet Sources]Miss Chen drew the landmark stone fishtrap of her native island, the Qimei Island, i.e., 'the Seven
Beauties Island'.
[Photographer: Jinmei Chen]This Double-Hearted Fishtrap constructed of coral stones is the landmark of the Seven-Beauties Island, one of the islands of the Pescadores Archipelago. This picture is used as the front cover of one of
several books authored by island native Jinmei Chen.
[Photographer: Jinmei Chen]